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Zia Youth Soccer League - Promoting Positive Sportsmanship and FUN!

Registering a child for Zia Youth Soccer League is done completely online. 
Open registration for the Spring 2025 soccer season will take place from
8:00 a.m. MST on Saturday, October 19, 2024 until 6:00 p.m. MST on Saturday, February 15, 2025.*  To register your child, simply click on the "register" or "my account" button in the upper right-hand corner of your screen to start the registration process.  

*Late registrations may be accepted at the discretion of league administration, if space remains available after open registration ends.  However, the ability to register after the open registration deadline is not guaranteed, as team openings remaining available after the end of open registration are often minimal.  Late registrations for the Spring 2025 soccer season, if available, will only be accepted until teams are full ~or~ through Sunday, March 16th, whichever comes first.  No spring registrations will be accepted after March 16th.  Any late registrations accepted shall incur an additional $30 late registration fee.  Also, although we always do our best to honor team placement requests, such requests are significantly more difficult to honor during late registration due to limited availability during that time.

The base registration fee for the Spring 2025 season is $130 per player**, and will include a full uniform (jersey, shorts, and soccer socks), nine weeks of weekday practices, and eight friendly non-competitive coach-led scrimmage games on Saturdays, weather permitting (please see the inclement weather policy within the FAQ beneath the "Spring 2025 Soccer Season" tab on this website).


The only things your player will need, which are not included in the registration fee,
are shin guards, soccer cleats (must have rubber studs, not metal), and a ball.

**Additional league non-volunteer fees and credit card processing fees, as well as separate Sports Connect service fees, may apply.  All fees are subject to change at any time with or without notice.

(All registrants will be required to accept the league's seasonally updated waiver during the registration process,
and all registrations must be completed by the player's parent or legal guardian.)


NOTE: All Zia Youth Soccer practices, policies, and procedures, including but not limited to session format / season format, locations and schedules, are subject to change at any time, if necessary, in accordance with the needs of our volunteer coaches and organizers, as well as the City of Albuquerque Parks and Recreation Department and other local, state, federal government or independent authority regulations.  
An understanding and acceptance of this statement is required for registration and participation.


 Due to the sizable up-front expenses Zia Youth Soccer League incurs at the time of player registration,
all registrations are final, and refunds / credits are not available at any time.  No exceptions. ~